Sunday, 4 December 2011


Good Evening my Poppets, 'tis my bed time and I am sitting at my computer trying to keep up with orders... The wristeez are selling like hot cakes - and my friend has suggested chocolate cake when I go to drop her Wristeez to her... I am unable to sleep at the mere THOUGHT of homemade chocolate cake, so I am trying to get them made ASAP in order to recieve some Tantalisingly Delightful Chocolatiness in cake form.
I did promise some behind the scenes juice - so here's a little something for you, my dear poppets...
'Tis just the tip of the iceberg my friends, just the tip. 

I am usually drowning under a colourful tidal wave of yarns and all things glitzy, so this is me being organised. And just a thought, 'tis a desk, but my work shop at the same time - now that's what I call versatile AND economical - no need to build a studio in my shed and hide away for hours each day - just TURN YOUR WHOLE HOUSE INTO one huge, CHAOTIC KNOT and drive everyone crazy! :o)

I must say, my feline friends do become mesmorised by yarn, and I have to tell them off each time they approach with HUGE, fixated pupils. I yell at them how naughty they are and send them off with a BIG squeeze and a fat kiss... (My kids will be such confused individuals if I continue to discipline in this way... Let's just hope they aren't as adorable as these fat, little, furry friends of mine). I guess I should include a shout out to them, 'Love you Freckles and Nooni!'
I guess I will leave it there for now, I will be working non-stop for the next couple of days... an exciting, yet exhausting thought *yawn*, and on that note, I shall bid thee farewell.

Good night, and if the bed bugs bite, let me know and I'll crochet you something - not sure what, but I intend to revolutionise the universe with my hook and yarn. xx

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